火博体育致力于确保残疾学生有平等的机会参加所有提供的课程和活动. 可及性服务 is a resource to SJC students, employees, and community members.
It is best to start requesting accommodations early, as it may take a few weeks to get them in place. The 可及性服务 office will communicate with you primarily through your 火博体育 email.
- 登录MySJC.
- Click on the 可及性服务 button in the Popular Links section.
- 完成学业, 住房, or 情感支持动物 application for the accommodation you request.
- 一旦你完成住宿申请, 协调员将审查您的申请,并在一周内与您联系,安排入学预约. 一旦预约完成, the Coordinator will review the information and determine the appropriate accommodations.
- The Coordinator will notify the Student of approved accommodations via their 火博体育 email.
If you have questions about 服务 offered or need assistance getting started, please contact us!
(505) 566-3271
当学习材料的设计或交付对学生造成障碍时,由于他们的残疾,需要提供学术便利. Although students are required to meet the same outcomes as their classmates, 他们的做法可能会有所不同. Students who need academic accommodations need to self-disclose, 申请服务, 如果他们符合条件, 每学期索要他们的信件.
Students must request academic accommodations each semester.
Dual credit students may be eligible for accommodations for their college classes. 然而, 即使高中生正在接受个性化教育计划或504计划的修改或调整, 他们不会自动转入大学. Dual credit students are required to follow the same steps as regular college students to request 服务.
Suitable accommodations will be discussed and determined by the Coordinator and the student.
学生必须完成这两个步骤,才能确定是否有资格获得适当的住宿. Submitting documentation like an Individualized 教育 Plan, 504年计划, 或没有完成上述两个步骤的其他评估不足以使住宿请求为人所知.
根据《火博体育官网》,为临时残疾提供的便利并不是法律规定的. 然而, 有临时残疾的学生可以根据需要获得免费住宿. 确定住宿的资格, the student must follow the same process as other students.
- 交替格式 Alternate format may include enlarged font, braille, audio books, etc. The student should contact the Instructional Assistant in the Disability Technology Lab for assistance. The student must provide a copy of the receipt when requesting books in audio format. 我们强烈鼓励学生尽早申请其他格式的材料,以确保在上课前获得材料. SJC will attempt to provide material in alternate format within 7 days of the request.
- 软件的使用 语音到文本(龙自然说话听写)和文本到语音(库兹韦尔)软件可在SJC东部, SJC西, 及主校区.
- 笔记副本 协调员将与学生一起确定将提供的笔记服务的类型. The student will be required to sign the note taker agreement each semester.
- 字幕 教师或演讲者必须确保在火博体育使用的材料可以被所有人使用. 视频必须有准确的字幕.
- 调频系统 Students and visitors should request the loan of an FM system at least 3 days in advance of use.
- 解释 以确保提供最好的口译服务, 我们强烈鼓励学生和访客在知道需要这项服务时尽快提出要求. 解释 服务 may be provided by a live interpreter or via video remote interpreting.
- 我们鼓励学生早点到教室,这样学生就可以选择一个有利于学生学习风格和个人需求的座位.
- Although 可及性服务 will make every effort to have the room ready before the first day of class, 如果学生使用轮椅, 学生可能需要联系无障碍服务办公室,提醒他们是否需要在教室里放置无障碍桌.
- Classroom furniture marked with the 残疾 access symbol is reserved for students with disabilities.
- 考试时间可根据学生需要延长.
- Testing in a separate or distraction free environment may be appropriate.
- 测试可以以音频格式提供
- 如果有说明,可以批准使用软件或抄写员.
大多数住宿由咨询和咨询中心的残疾技术实验室协调, 房间4115/1B.
对于在火博体育住房遇到障碍或无障碍问题的学生,可以提供住房住宿. If students need changes to the housing environment due to their 残疾, 他们必须自我披露并申请服务. 如果房屋分配发生变化, contact the 可及性服务 Office to update your information.
如果你想要一个情感支持动物, you must also complete an 情感支持动物 application and documentation.
Students requesting continuing accommodations for 住房 must contact 可及性服务 at 可访问性服务@shisanyiyuan.com 在入住日期之前.
有心理健康障碍的学生可以要求情感支持动物,让他们有平等的机会使用和享受校园学生宿舍. 学生必须自我表露, 申请服务, 签署指导协议表格, 并提供文档. If there is a change in the approved animal, the student must begin the process again.
要求继续为情感支持动物提供住宿的学生必须联系无障碍服务 可访问性服务@shisanyiyuan.com 在入住日期之前.
可及性服务 Eligibility, Appeals, and 投诉
Students may file complaints of discrimination based on 残疾 with Stacey Allen, 人力资源助理总监, (505) 566-3515, allens@shisanyiyuan.com. Students may also file complaints of discrimination with the 民权办公室.
SJC尽一切合理的努力,按照《火博体育》和1973年《火博体育官网》第504条的规定,为残疾人提供便利. 遵守这一承诺, 个人护理人员(pcs)可能是必要的,以满足残疾学生的个人需求,使他/她能够参加学院的活动, 服务, 和程序.
火博体育 does not discriminate on the basis of a person’s race, color, 宗教, 性, 性取向, 性别认同, 国家的起源, 残疾, 年龄, 遗传, 资深地位, or on the basis of any other category protected under federal, 州和地方法律, 火博体育录取, 就业, 节目和活动.
Disability is defined by the 美国残疾人法案 Amendments Act of 2008 (艾达AA) as: (1) a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity; or (2) a record of a physical or mental impairment that substantially limited a major life activity; or (3) when an entity (e.g., an employer) takes an action prohibited by the 艾达 based on an actual or perceived impairment. 42 U.S.C. § 12102(2); see also 29 C.F.R. § 1630.2(g). 一个人必须满足以下三个标准中的至少一个,才能成为《火博体育》规定的残疾人.
(2) The phrase “major life activities” means functions such as caring for one's self, 执行手动任务, 走, 看到, 听力, 说话, 呼吸, 学习, 和工作.
(3) The phrase “has a record of such an impairment” means has a history of, 或者被错误地归类为拥有, a mental or physical impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.
(4) The phrase is “regarded as having an impairment” means—
(ii) Has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits major life activities only as a result of the attitudes of others toward such impairment; or
No otherwise qualified individual with a 残疾 shall solely by reason of his or her 残疾, 被排除在参与之外, 被剥夺…的利益, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.
任何合格的残疾人都不得被排除在服务的参与之外或被剥夺服务的福利, 项目, 或公共实体的活动. The 艾达 Amendments Act of 2008 provided changes to the statute and regulations for Titles I, II, and III and clarify (a) who has a 残疾 entitled to protection under the 艾达 and Section 504, (b)谁有权享受住宿, (c)这些决定是如何作出的,由谁作出的.
You can find more information about the 美国残疾人法案 on the U.美国教育部网站 以及 艾达.gov网站.
The 可及性服务 Office is committed to protecting the student’s right to privacy. 具体到学生的诊断或残疾的信息是保密信息,不能与任何人分享,没有学生的书面同意. The student may choose to disclose their 残疾 to anyone at any time.